I loved this book. It is a very easy read. It is written by a teenage girl and it feels just like she is talking to you and telling you her story. In fact, if you can find it, I think this might actually be a wonderful book on tape (and I normally don't like books on tape). It would be just like listening to someone speak. The book is about this girl who stepped on a land mine when she was 7 or 8 and ended up losing her leg. The story follows her hospital stays, how the war in Afghanistan affected her family, and how she ended up a refugee in the U.S. She has a really great attitude about her life. She knows it's been difficult and is very honest about feeling angry and sometimes afraid. She is also very positive and optimistic about her future. She has such a strong will to live and to live happily. She has lost so much and yet still finds so many things to be happy about.
This book is a great book for anyone to read. Except for the fact that hard things have happened to her, there is nothing offensive about this book whatsoever. I think it could be enjoyed for many different reasons, I will let you know what everyone else thought after tomorrow night!
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