Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Mermaid Chair

By Sue Monk KiddOnce I started this book I couldn't put it down (but that's normal for me). Sue Monk Kidd is an amazing writer. I even cried at a few points during the book. But when it ended I felt very dissatisfied. The whole idea of needing to cheat on your husband in order to find yourself just didn't sit well with me. In my opinion, the character just didn't have enough consequences for that. The book was an easy, interesting read, but just doesn't list high on my all time favorites. Not something that I will probably read again.


Emily said...

Lauriel - I felt the same way about this book. It was so well written and I was totally sucked in, but the affair and the lack of consequences was a little odd. Have you read "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kid? It is a great read too.

Bee said...

Please add A Gracious Plenty by Sheri Reynolds to your must reads. I have a book of hers called the rapture of caanan you might also like I will bring it to work.
