Friday, September 12, 2008

You Grow Girl

By Gayla TrailSo this is one of the books that Andrew gave me for our anniversary, and I love it! It is a funny, easy to read book with lots of ideas about unusual places and ways to garden. The book is aimed at city gardeners who don't have a lot of room or at beginning gardeners who don't know how to get started. I feel lucky enough to be both. There are lots of tips on starting plants from seeds, pruning and composting, harvesting seeds, what to do with herbs, getting rid of pests, and how to keep your garden healthy throughout the entire year. The book has complete directions for lots of fun and easy projects like herbal hair washes, teas, worm bins, and a gardening apron. I probably won't read this book from cover to cover again, but I wanted to do it at least once so that I would know what secrets it held inside. I think I know it well enough know that I can use it more as reference book. The author also runs a website called that is an online gardening community. I have started looking around some and it looks pretty cool. If you like gardening and are not yet a master gardener, you would love this book!

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