Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Twilight Series

By Stephanie Meyer

So I just finished reading these three books last weekend. Several people had been trying to get me to read them and I had been resisting. For some reason I get stubborn about reading books that people gush over. Then my mom brought me up the first one. I didn't even pick it up for a few days. Once I did I was doomed. I read all three back to back and didn't do anything else for an entire weekend.

The basic plot line is fairly simple. A teenage girl, Bella, moves to Forks, WA and falls in love with a vampire, Edward. The rest of the story is about them trying to figure out how they can be together without her getting killed.

They are really well written, have a fairly unique plot line, and complex characters (for teen books). I'm always a little hesitant about romantic plot lines but this was really well done. And the vampires and werewolves thing wasn't weird at all (I was worried about this). I highly recommend them, they move along fast and are fairly easy reads. However, I don't recommend reading one until you want to read all three. I can't wait for the other two books to come out!

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