So I've started a book club. I've never been part of book club before, and neither has anyone else who is participating so we will need lots of advice. Any of you out there who have been in a book club before, please help. The club started as Me, Emily, and Maggie. It now contains Me, Emily, Maggie, Ally (Emily's friend), Jenn (Emily's roomate), Andrew (my husband), Jessica (Maggie's roomate), Sara (my friend). Did you notice that Andrew is the only guy so far? We accidentally let it slip to a few of our other reading friends and it started growing. I guess book clubs sound more exciting than we thought. We have picked our first book.

Most amazing, none of us have ever read it before. We are meeting in about a month and having a potluck dinner. Do I need to plan more structure than that? What do you do to prepare for a book club? Do you have any suggestions for other books to read?
I was in charge of book club for a while for my ward. I would have people bring snacks. I would look on the web for discussion questions or come up with my own and we would just go from there.
Also, if the book comes with a movie, after discussing the book we would watch the movie. For example, June was Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. So we discussed the book, then watched the Keira Knightly version of that film.
The great thing about Book Club is it can be as formal or as casual as you want.
A friend suggested "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer. It has a few choice words in it and a couple of paragraphs I could have done without. Other than that, it is an amazing story of this man who literally left his life and walked into the wild to his death.
Good luck with book club! You'll do great!
Yes, discussion questions from the book and dinner will be a great start. I always told the sisters to even come if they have not read the book.
If all your people do read it and make an effort to come (or most of you), you will be surprised at how easy the conversation will flow.
Let me know how it goes!!!
and who can resist a meal along with a book dicussion? :)
I myself want to start a book club. I've never been a part of one so I will most definitely be checking back here to see what advice you get and to see what books you are reading... Keep posting.
I came across your blog post regarding book clubs. I’m Jason Pfeifer, and some friends and I started an online service called Booksprouts, that allows people to create book clubs, choose books, invite friends, and read and discuss online. We are currently seeking people who might be interested in trying the site out, and giving us feedback on the service. We also welcome people who have blogs to write reviews of the site (good or bad) as a means of feedback. We’re really excited to hear what people think, and on how we can improve the site. It’s 100% free, by the way. Please feel free to check it out.
book clubs
Jason Pfeifer
Community Manager
I came across your blog post regarding book clubs. I’m Jason Pfeifer, and some friends and I started an online service called Booksprouts, that allows people to create book clubs, choose books, invite friends, and read and discuss online. We are currently seeking people who might be interested in trying the site out, and giving us feedback on the service. We also welcome people who have blogs to write reviews of the site (good or bad) as a means of feedback. We’re really excited to hear what people think, and on how we can improve the site. It’s 100% free, by the way. Please feel free to check it out.
book clubs
Jason Pfeifer
Community Manager
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